
At Coastal Massage and Wellness you will experience John Barnes Style Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy and therapeutic Shiatsu massage. Though less well known, these comfortable and effective approaches are fast becoming preferred choices for many.

Studio Entrence

Myofascial Release – John Barnes Style works with the fascial system that is web-like throughout the whole body all the way to our cellular level. With daily stress or extreme trauma this system tightens down and restricts healthy movement resulting in pain.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle therapy, highly effective for pain related to chronic and acute conditions especially neck and back pain, TMJ syndrome, whiplash, and migraines.

Shiatsu includes slow, deep compressions as well as stretches producing long lasting relief. This muscle work is relaxing and pressure can vary according to client’s preference. Shiatsu addresses muscle soreness, stiff neck/strain, headaches, spine and back issues, sciatica and other conditions.

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